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A Developer's Guide to Technical SEO for Your Website
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Learn how to optimize your website and its HTML for search engine optimization, including what metadata you need to add to pages, structured data, page speed optimizations, writing semantic HTML, and more! Read More...
The Inner Workings of Python Dataclasses Explained
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Ever wondered how those magical dataclass decorators work? Wonder no more! In this article, I create a simplified dataclass decorator using the same concepts as the real one. Read More...
How Python Asyncio Works: Recreating it from Scratch
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Do you understand how asyncio works behind the scenes? Read this article and see how we can use Python generators to create our own version of asyncio, and then use the __await__ dunder method to use the async/await keywords to come full circle! Read More...
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About Me

I'm Jacob Padilla - a student at
NYU Stern
studying Business and Computer Science. Besides programming, my main interests are rock climbing, sailing, ceramics, and
Feel free to check out my open-source projects on
or follow me on Instagram
to get some nice travel and wildlife photography in your feed. Additionally, you can follow me on
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